How Nodejs Developers Can Increase Your Business Growth

Author - IsabelleIsabelle
Mar 21, 2022
How Nodejs Developers Can Increase Your Business Growth

Node.js in simplest terms is server-side JavaScript. JavaScript is usually executed by your browser’s engine; this is client-side execution. Node.js’s ability to run JavaScript on the server-side enables developers to code real-time applications.


When we say real-time applications imagine applications like chat, a news feed, web push notifications. This completely changes the way a user interacts and gets information from your website. Some of the popular platforms such as PayPal, eBay, LinkedIn, Toogit and Amazon are all being produced with the help of Nodejs.


Why should Use Node.js for Your Business projects?

Node.js is a framework that cannot go unnoticed, even by the new developers and programmers in the industry. Node.js framework is used to build scalable and effective REST APIs, mobile apps, desktop applications, and even IoT products. It carries a plethora of numerous solutions and multiple benefits, here are the actual advantages for you as a startup when using Node.js.


  1. It is quick – Node.js is non-blocking I/O. I/O sources like networks and file systems. Node.js takes the advantage of V8 engine by Google. It’s been written in JavaScript and has an extraordinary running rate. Node.js brings the potential to raise the speed of any framework. All your Node.js developer need to do is write down the program correctly, Node.js applications will take care of the rest.
  2. Node.js is a great solution for handling high-traffic websites – Node.js adoption grew so fast because of its high performance. You can easily scale a single-threaded Node.js application using a very similar technique which is used in Python i.e., multiple application servers behind a load balancer.
  3. Node.js event-driven architecture makes it well suited for real-time – Real-time application demands sending data from server to client as real-time as possible. Event-driven architectures are ideal for improving agility and moving quickly. This makes Node.js one of the best candidates for real-time applications.


Companies Using Node.js

Node.js solves a list of production challenges for top organizations. Some are platform-related, while others are focused on resource utilization. Across the board, Netflix, Paypal, Linkedin, all have admitted to loading-time savings of up to 60% as reported by Hackernoon. Amongst others, better developer productivity, lower development cost, and higher app performance are the top reasons why companies use node.js apps.


Here is the result of a survey conducted by, this result very well explains how Node.js has impacted users’ businesses.




Based on lots of benefits from adopting Node.js into a development cycle, it’s no wonder many companies have already done it. Some of the top, our favorite companies, using Node.js are listed below.


1.       Netflix

2.       NASA

3.       Toogit

4.       PayPal

5.       Linkedin

6.       Walmart

7.       Uber

8.       Twitter

9.       Yahoo

10.   eBay

11.   GoDaddy

12.   Medium

13.   Citibank

14.   Yandex



What services Nodejs developers bring to your company?

Nodejs developers provide following Nodejs application development services to accomplish business objective.


·         Real-time chat application

·         Real-time collaboration tools

·         Streaming Apps

·         Serverless architecture

·         Plug-in development

·         Portal development

·         IoT-based solution



Cost of hiring Nodejs developers

Node.js developers on Toogit cost - $5-$64/hour. Cost factor depends on the project’s scope, experience and location of the developer. If you are getting a simple chat application built, you can probably go for an intermediate or beginner freelancer starting with just $10-$18/hour.


With the help of an experienced Node.js development specialist, you can make the most powerful features of Node JS technology and accomplish your most ambitious projects. So, if you need to hire Node.js developers, our top nodejs developer are always ready to tackle any kind or projects.


Last Modified: Mar 21, 2022
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