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Required PostgreSQL Administration,PostgreSQL Programming,Python freelancer for AWS Cloud server IT with Python/API/PostgreSQL knowledge job

Posted at - Jul 21, 2024

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I am a founder of a Startup and I have no IT background.
For the needs of my startup activities I am looking for an AWS Cloud server manager to perform the following tasks 4 hours a day for 7 days:
- Understand my project requirements and advise on the most optimal data and programs setup on the cloud (what type of instance do I need for the type of performance my application needs, what range of memory/CPUs specs/etc.... are the best fit)
- Install all necessary software and tools on my AWS account to perform all the tasks needed
- Create a folder structure and store my project data as instructed
- Provide useful scripts to use in the future to perform routine tasks
- Document briefly the tasks performed and procedures to reproduce them
- Carry a daily 1 hour meeting with me to update on tasks progress

My application will work with a database as big as 250GB or more. It consists of a library of books and articles, a database that stores information from those book and articles, a Python code that establish uses the library of books as an input and feed its output into the database, a Python API that receives an input from a Website, process it using information from the database and send its output back to the website.
The CPU used should be powerful enough to run a dozen of Spyder instances at a high processing speed.

An excellent Cloud manager can see their services extended in the future if he/she delivers and outstanding work. They should have the ability to communicate easily with a non-technical client.

Skills required for the job:
- Strong communication sills
- Great listening skills
- Decent mentoring skills
- Outstanding technical ability and agility
- Availability and flexibility

Please quote a price for 7 days of work.

You are invited to ask a ton f questions during the interview.

About the recuiterMember since Jul 13, 2017 Fritzel L.
from Texas, United States

Skills & Expertise Required

PostgreSQL Administration PostgreSQL Programming Python 

Candidate shortlisted and hiredHiring open till - Aug 4, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Fixed Type
Remote Job

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