The task is to develop an interactive dashboard in Tableau to show the foreign trade exchange between countries. The dashboard will show trade volume between a selected country and other partner countries as flow lines (arcs) with varying width and color depending on trade volume. Additionally, users should be able to filter trade data by country, period, product and flow (import / export / reexport) and choose units (e.g. value in USD, weight etc). The dashboard will also have the ability to show Top N products / partner countries.
Any additional features, such as animation, interactivity etc are added value.
PS. Please note the dashboard need to be map-centric, i.e. main component should be a world map with arc-lines showing trade volume flow between countries.
About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Rodrigo Murgas
from Podkarpackie Voivodeship, Poland