We are looking for a part time Systems/Network Support type role that can help with issues such as server maintenance, network infrastructure, light software/hardware troubleshooting, Desktop set up and management. This would be an on-going job. We are looking for someone long term that could come in and help with technical set up and issues when needed and help remotely when needed (around 15hrs a month, but if you wanted more we have more) . Looking for someone with diverse technical skills.
This role would consist of both project based and on-going work. Some examples of things we may need assistance with: Replacing our current switch on our server, deploying new desktops for employees, and moving application servers & databases. We also have some custom applications we made that are hosted on azure that may need over sight and assistance. We would pay hourly because the demand for work fluctuates. Please let me know if this is something you are interested in or would like to speak more about!
Thank you
About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Hemant Agarwal
from Balaka, Malawi