Hi, I a looking for a data scientist to work with Amazon's brand analytics data. I need someone who is good with databases as we will be building a database of the daily/weekly/monthly keyword data that Amazon offers via brand analytics.
Step 1: Build database and system to update with new data
Step 2: Build front-end tool identify trends in data and allow for easy searching of data
Step 3: Perform more advanced calculations on data. For this we would need additional servers/cpu
Ideal Person would be able to:
Intelligently design a database that will have a large about of keyword data that is imported via CSV (500,000+ records a day)
Provide a simple interface or dashboard to view it.
Provide interface/tools to find trends
Be able to write scripts that will then perform mathematical calculations on this data
About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Jaswir Stela
from Glarus, Switzerland