We are loading a 3rd party page and mirroring it on new domain such as abcd1234.com. (This is only an example, not real site in use).
1. The site running in reverse proxy site abcd1234.com works with all the navigation working without going back so there is reverse proxy config to replace some of the url's to abcd1234.com when there are url that are hardcoded. The entire site of zoomfeed can be navigated within abcd1234.com even site search features. We have already implemented this part and it's working by having a custom config file in nginx reverse proxy.
2. We use a web application firewall on the abcd1234.com so that certain blacklisted IP's do not get sent to zoomfeed and are redirected to a different website. In order to apply this rule, we use a third party firewall service that supplies us with a php code that we may insert at the top of the website before reverse proxy is executed. This is also implemented successfully.
We have trouble in 2 areas.
PROBLEM 1: The firewall service we use is paid by click service so every time the page loads, it gets charged. In some reverse proxied site, the page loads up to 4 times request in a 1 visit session by 1 user. This costs us 4 times more than it costs us normally. We need a smart and accurate way to limit the requests being made by reverse proxy so that on each time URL is executed the firewall php script only runs once, not 4 times.
PROBLEM 2: The firewall service also requires to inject JS script to determine whether the user should be redirected or not. However, we haven't figured out how to allow the php and js to work its job before loading reverse proxy.
If you may be confident with providing solution for this, please contact us.
About the recuiterMember since May 20, 2018 Praveen Kalal
from Moselle, France