We have a production Linux Server that needs some housekeeping.
Some of the tasks are
1. Certificates have expired and new certificates need to be installed
2. Need advise on some of the errors
DISK_HEALTH CRITICAL - WARNING: 15 reallocated sectors at megaraid Port2:=
MEMORY CRITICAL - WARNING: SWAP usage is too high: swap_usage 582M (4%):=
CRITICAL: IMAP connection not Successful: * BYE [Service unavailable.]=
CERTIFICATE CRITICAL - WARNING: Certificate rtpproxy-cert.pem has expired: WARNING: Certificate mysite.local.crt.old has expired: WARNING: Certificate domain_192.168.0.152.crt.old has expired: WARNING: Certificate domain_cert_81.92.193.20.pem has expired: WARNING: Certificate porta-billing-web-1.crt.old has expired:=
Other basic health checks.
This work is on a production system and extremely critical to the business. Only apply if you have hands-on experience on Linux System administration.
Candidates will be interviewed before commencement of work.
About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Andy Simpson
from Kegalla, Sri Lanka