We are on the lookout for a highly experienced MEAN stack developer / DevOps professional that could assist with a full code review and suggestions on improving our DevOps process, typically this includes bug reporting, issue tracking, prioritization, deployments, rollbacks and alerting.
The candidate must have experience in:
- CI / CD Approach (Bitbucket Pipelines)
- AWS Serverless stack (Lambda, CloudFront, CloudWatch, Pinpoint, Cognito)
- ES / TS Linting
- TDD mentality and familar with proejcts that have 80+% Test code coverage
Preferred experience in:
- Epsagon tracking
- SonarQube
- HotJar
- Load Testing
Delivery would be a full report about the code quality, improvements to be made, best practices, DevOps analysis aswell as enforcing some quick improvements (6-8 hours additional), such as setting up events, server / CI CD procedures etc.
About the recuiterMember since Nov 11, 2022 Kaveri Bose
from Punjab, India