We are an online store without our own physical points of delivery and use affiliate stores and service stations to carry out the execution of orders, i.e. the client selects the necessary goods, selects the desired point of delivery, pays and awaits the order. We order from the supplier, the goods arrive at the central warehouse and after the collection of the order is sent to the points of delivery.
We are faced with the fact that you need a separate entrance to the site for our partners in which information will be displayed:
1. Visible information. (Order Issue)
- Order number
- customer name
- Customer phone
- list of order items
1. Part Code
2. Description
3. Quantity
- Mark (button) on receipt of the Order at the point of issue
- Mark (button) on the issuance of the order to the buyer
- For authorization, client authorization is used by sending SMS with a code followed by the manager entering the received code.
2 Visible information. (Return of order items)
- Order number
- Customer Name
- Customer phone
- Selecting a return item from the order item
-printing of the return invoice (with passport entry fields
Customer data).
- Return mark.
3.Log in.
- Authorized login to a specific point of issue.
- Visualization of only the information that has
relation to this point of issue.
- One login - one issuing point. Separation by employee is not required.
4. Interaction with the mother portal.
- receiving data for visualization of p. 1,2
- transfer of statuses to track changes on the mother
the portal.
- Ability to display the total number of issues and returns by
every point.
This functionality is essential for the operational tracking of the status of orders at the points of partners and for the operational return of goods.
Design is not important, functionality is important.
Duration - from 2 weeks to 1 month.
About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Mindiaesh Sharm
from Ohio, United States