Company background:
Our company is a hotel accommodation business
To take bookings and payments on our website, take payments first then and update new bookings onto our booking system.
Guest will select dates from the homepage, they will be redirected to make a payment form, and then will be redirected to a thank you page once payment was successful.
I believe beds24 widget has these features that can be configured.
The code runs on JQuery, and a HTML code can be generated. The problem is I don't know to make this show on my webflow site.
Tasks required:
1. Connect bed 24 booking widget to web flow website
2. Ensure stripe payment has been accepted, before updating booking information.
Ideal skillset:
1. Experience with beds24 booking system.
2. Webflow experience
3. HTML experience
4. Stripe payment gateway experience
About the recuiterMember since Nov 11, 2022 Shashi Saurav
from England, United Kingdom