I need to clean up my database.
I have approximately 3000 contacts that need to be verified and about 2000 companies.
For contacts, I need to have them cross referenced with LinkedIn and Facebook. Any contact information (email address, telephone #, website, date of birth, spouse/partner, etc) that can be retrieved from LI or FB that isn't already in the database will need to be added. Their LI and/or FB profiles need to be copied to the database spreadsheet. Their location also needs to be inputted if it's not in the database (LI location will take precedence over FB location).
If a contact is missing a job title or employer, you will use the most recent info based on their LinkedIn profile. If they don't have a LinkedIn profile, their FB information can be used.
For companies, the company names need to be checked for duplicates and then merged with the most current company name.
For company profiles, their full details (head office business address, main work phone number, fax number, office email address, website address) will need to be added to the record.
I can provide before and after sample data to help with instructions. I can also provide a video tutorial of how I want this information completed.
Please contact me if you are interested or have any questions about the project.
About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Ahmad Saekoni
from Kelantan, Malaysia