The person(s) we hire will need to jump right into a big project once they begin. Our monitoring system is not adequate and our remote access to our kiosks is flawed. Currently, we use Apache Guacamole to view our kiosks and troubleshoot.
We have a basic inventory app built in Django which serves as a list of all kiosks. From this inventory list, we need to be able to reboot kiosks, set sleep cycles, and view uptime/downtime of our kiosks. Using Apache Guacamole, we need to be able to access our machines 100% of the time. Currently, we are having difficulty accessing our kiosks even when they are connected ot the internet.
If you or your agency has preferences on how to set up a proper monitoring and remote access system that's written using other languages or tools, we would be very open to learning about your approach and would be please to offer you the opportunity to build us a stable networking and monitoring system that we can use as our company scales.
Thank you, the remainder of the job description is below for day-to-day tasks, however this will be the project we ask you to begin developing ASAP.
My company needs to fill 1-2 customer support / Sys Admin roles for ongoing support and troubleshooting needs.
We make technology for cannabis dispensaries (and other retail environments), and our systems require on call support when issues arise. Typical operating hours for support are between 9AM - 5PM PST, 7 days per week.
Currently, we employ 2 part time sys admins, who work in tandem to cover roughly 20 hours of support per week, taking turns pending their availability. I would love to continue this setup, or perhaps bring on one person to cover all the hours. This number of required hours is about to increase, as we are onboarding a few new stores this month and next month. Over time, as our needs increase, our number of support staff will also increase.
Both of these support members are an integral part of our team, but they are transitioning to other (full-time) work and cannot meet our needs anymore. Due to this turnover, I would prefer to hire an agency who specializes in these kinds of staff members, and in the event someone leaves, the position can be filled easily by someone else.
Lastly, it is my ideal preference to set up a support system where our clients have a direct communication line to the sys admin staff, so that I am no longer receiving support requests on my personal telephone. For this reason, native english speakers and residents of the US are preferred.
Requirements for the job are as follows:
- update code on a remote system using ssh and git
- use vnc to control a kiosk
- troubleshoot application (developed in house) by checking the logs
- remotely troubleshoot issues on a linux system related to network connectivity
- modify linux desktop configuration to lock down the user interface and making it secure to use as a kiosk
- good knowledge in working with Ubuntu desktops, specifically around window managers, gnome
- ability to modify Nagios config (needed occasionally)
- familiar with how web applications work and have experience troubleshooting web apps that talk to a remote API
- bonus: web application debug skills: js, node, chrome settings
- bonus: puppet knowledge
- able to help set up infrastructure for ticketing/support as our business scales
- self organized
- available for on-demand US hours
- able to use Slack as your primary communication means. You will be interfacing with the rest of my team which includes frontend developers and backend developers.
- flexible 10-30 hours per week depending on need. It varies from week to week, however sometimes our clients need immediate assistance and we have to jump in and help them.
- Two contractors to start so that if one is unavailable, the other one can be available and vice versa
Additional notes:
* There will be an onboarding phase where you will be working with our existing sys admins while they teach you everything you need in order to take over for them. They may also be part of the screening process to determine eligibility for the positions.
* There is also much interest in bringing on members who can improve our system, build more robust monitoring systems, and continue the development of our product's features and stability. So, this position extends well beyond simply 'support.' We want you to help improve our product.
* Lastly, but perhaps most importantly, this is an ongoing, long term position. We will get to know each other over time, and speak nearly every day. You will be joining our team.
About the recuiterMember since Sep 3, 2017 Scarlett Thomps
from Ontario, Canada