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Required software development,Website Development freelancer for In need of an expert to help us get started with our RaspBerry Pi 3 Windows 10 IOT development. job

Posted at - Mar 17, 2018

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We want for our own use to develope an a network packet analyzer.

We run Windows 10 IOT Core on an RaspBerry Pi3

We have added an extra Ethernet port to our RaspBerry.

Ethernet 1 is hooked up to the box providing internet
Ethernet 2 is hooked up to a switch.

The switch has 3 computers attached.

We want to analyze all outgoing and incoming network packets to and from the 3 computers.

All network traffic that goes to the internet will have to go through our RPi device.

We want you to help us get started developing this.

Get the packet sniffer and analyzer up and going, we prefer you use C# but are open to suggestions.

If for instance an computer tries to access a service that is blocked it will be stopped.

We also want a way to pickup messages sent to and from the computers, this can be messages that comes from Skype, Facebook messenger and so on. Is it possible?

In order to get the job you will need to create a small Windows 10 IOT application that prints out to Debug Output in Visual Studio all traffic in raw format when debugging the project.

Payment will be arranged in Milestones. Milestones and payment will be settled and agreed upon while chatting in Toogit chat.

About the recuiterMember since Dec 26, 2016 Dave C.
from Scotland, United Kingdom

Skills & Expertise Required

software development Website Development 

Candidate shortlisted and hired
Hiring open till - Mar 17, 2018

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Fixed Type
Remote Job

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