Info on this contract.
- We are contracting the Developer to build a website / software called "REP" that will be an online platform for music artists to network and manage their career. This will be a continuous contract as we are paying per "block" of development. (if we were building a house it would be like paying for the foundation, and then the walls, then the floor, and so on in pieces). The goal of this contract is to establish two things 1- we own all past, present and future contracted pieces of this software that do not include their proprietary information 2- establishing that we will provide 5% equity in the C-Corp established for "REP" as a licensing fee for any proprietary information used in building the website.
Valuable things to include would be obviously an NDA clause and some sort of none replication clause or something that bars them from recreating a product that can be used as direct competition to this product as a whole.
About the recuiterMember since Dec 5, 2016 Daniel M.
from Maharashtra, India