Chris - Full Stack Developer


Full Stack Developer

Canada | America/St_Johns (USD)

Full-time : 30+ hrs/week


Thanks for your reviewing my profile, I'm glad you stopped by!
I'm a full stack developer with 12 years experience.
Right now,I'm proud of my Ruby on Rails skills and JS frameworks(Angular, React, BackboneJS).
Here are skill set i can bring to your project or team:

Ruby on Rails Development - I'm equally comfortable with greenfield and legacy projects and utilize object oriented design to reusable code,product clean.

As for experience,a partial list of tech I've worked with on past projects include AWS, Heroku, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB,SQL Server,Puma, Unicorn, Pundit, Puma, Devise, Fog, Paperclip, Carrierwave, Delayed job, Sidekick, Payola, Geocoder, Stripe, Braintree, Kaminari, Ransack and host of other gems.

To speaking of Test Driven Development:
I most commonly work in RSpec but can also run with some Minitest.
Tools i use to round out the test suite include Capybara, Shoulda, FactoryGirl, Selenium, Poltergeist.

And to speaking of Front-end Development:
I have strong experience in LESS, SASS, SCSS and Bootstrap for responsive design.
I'm happy with using Slim, Haml or ERB and have used a whole host of JS frameworks and libraries.

In other words, I can maximize overall project development performance by having enough horizon and insight to think of it systematically.
Looking forward to your reply.