Greg C. - Machine Learning / Data Visualization / Data Science Consultant

Greg C.

Machine Learning / Data Visualization / Data Science Consultant

Czech Republic | Europe/Prague (USD)

Full-time : 30+ hrs/week


I am interested in projects related to data science, data visualization, data engineering and machine learning.

Machine Learning / Data Science
- R
- Python
- Spark
- H2O
- Azure ML

Data Visualization / Web Applications
- R Shiny
- React JS
- D3 JS
- Vue JS
- Highcharts
- Angular

Machine learning toolbox includes R, Python, scikit-learn, xgboost, H2O, Azure ML, etc. Have experience in application of different machine learning methods and building recommendation systems. I use R Shiny, React, Vue, D3JS and Highcharts to create data oriented web applications. I also have experience in high performance computing, especially as applied to solving scientific problems, with use of C++, C, OpenMP, CUDA, Cython, numpy, etc.