Misha V. - UI/UX Designer/Developer

Misha V.

UI/UX Designer/Developer

Canada | America/St_Johns (INR)

Part-time:10-30 hrs/week


Canadian-born, Russian Web Developer, currently in university studying Computer Science while working on numerous web projects.

I love puzzles, I usually do Sudokus or play minesweeper during my work shift when it's slow as opposed of browsing social media. I love sports, I have reached near professional level in Hockey(Canada, eh?). I love traveling, I have backpacked across 7 countries in 2 weeks. My most favorite topic? Social Psychology, how the brain works and learning how and why people interact in the way they do.

HTML5,CSS3,Bootstrap, Foundation, Wordpress, Squarespace, Javascript, jQuery, React.js, Ruby.