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Python Scripting – Learn and Earn
Python Scripting – Learn and Earn
Scripts & Utilities

Welcome to Python programming world! We presume you are trying to find information concerning why and how to get started with Python. Fortunately, an experienced coder in any programing language (whatever it's going to be) will pick up Python very quickly. It...

Python script for computational science
Python script for computational science
Scripts & Utilities

Now a days, the popularity of scientific computing environments such as IDL, Maple, Mathematica, Matlab and R has increased considerably. Engineer simply feel more productive in such environments. One reason is the simple and clean syntax of command languages...

Everyone wants API expert
Everyone wants API expert
Scripts & Utilities

APIs became so valuable it comprises an oversized part of several businesses’ revenue. Major companies like Google, eBay,, Amazon, and Expedia are simply many of the businesses that build money from their APIs. API stands for application pr...

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