9 issues Toogit has resolved for freelancers

Most people nowadays starting freelancing in their respective skills. The biggest advantage of freelancing is, you learn how to handle a project single handedly from scratch. It takes your skills to next level where you become an expert in your domain. Biggest motivation is quick money you can earn in freelancing by working on your own terms and conditions. It gives equal opportunities to everyone, you might be a college student or a passion driven professional or any individual, freelancing gives you exactly what you are looking for. Besides huge earnings, you get a good network, marketing skills, reputation, trustworthy contacts, product placement and everything you can imagine. So how do we start? When I started, I did not have my own network to get projects offline, so I had to be dependent on freelance websites. I searched for top rated sites, made profiles on each one of them and started browsing and bidding on projects. In initial days I was worried because I wasn’t getting any project even after trying my best. Then I started reading articles and blogs and editing my profiles on each site which eventually wasted more and more time without any success. Needless to say, 95% of blogs, articles and forums are purely for marketing and I wasted almost 3 months by following them.

What you need? Every freelancing platform has its pros and cons; you need to figure out which platform is best for you that gives maximum work in minimum time. These are the issues with all active freelancing websites and have been resolved by Toogit

  1. Ease of use: Most top rated sites are very complicated in functionality; signing up process itself is lengthy and confusing. Even if you successfully find your kind of projects, now you will realize how hard it is to make a complete bid\apply. You would eventually end up making an incomplete or partial proposal which attracts no one. Toogit has implemented ease of use in every single page.
  2. Commission: You would definitely want to maximize your earnings and minimize the commission you pay to the website. Most of them charge around 15-25%, few of them charge 10-20% and very few takes less than 10%. Toogit offers all its services at 8% commission and willing to make it commission free in future.
  3. Competition: No need to say there are millions of freelancers and a huge competition on famous sites. You would want to find a place with less competition. There is a classic approach of business, in a market oldest shops runs the most. With Toogit, you would grow as Toogit grows.
  4. Spam projects: Most important point. Freelancing sites are full of spam projects. At least 70% projects are fake on big freelancing platforms. Toogit is a site that has taken specific steps to eliminate spam projects. It does make sense that the number of the projects will be very less on a site which does not allow spam projects.
  5. Project Management tools: All successful freelancers use good project management tools which are premium and paid tools. Initially you would not want to waste your money on these tools so the site you are looking for, must provide a good project management tool to effectively plan and deliver the project. You get awesome project management tool on Toogit which is the only one of its kind.
  6. Currency conversion: Freelancing lets you to earn big in different currencies. Now the pain is to convert these currencies in your home currency. You might end up paying around 10-12% in currency conversion. Why don’t you let the site bear this charge? Toogit will pay you in your home currency without any extra charge.
  7. Import your hard earned ratings: You cannot depend on any one site. When you have earned good ratings on site X and you start looking work on other site Y it is a whole new journey altogether. All the hard work and efforts you made on X are zero on Y. What if Y offers to import your reputation from X? It is the biggest dream of a freelancer. This concept is newest in market and it will change the direction of freelancing in near future. So try importing your profile and reputation on Toogit.
  8. Switch you profiles: Top rated freelancers get a huge workload and to reduce the workload they outsource some pieces of their work to other freelancers. Now, to outsource your work you have to be able to log in as an employer. Most sites don’t let you create more than one account so it is hard to outsource your work when you already have account as a freelancer. Toogit lets you to play both roles with a single account.
  9. Customer Service: Nothing is better than a good customer service. Toogit’s customer service is the best in the market.


Posted at - Mar 19, 2017 & Last Modified at - Apr 15, 2019

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Dushyant is a seasoned freelance writer, developer and start-up enthusiast. Apart from front and backend development, his passion for writing makes him an expert in blogging, content writing and generating quality web traffic.

Dushyant Tyagi | Freelance Writer

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