Repurpose Your Content Using Transcription Services

Recordings like webinars, podcasts, presentations, and even your YouTube videos are a trove of content treasure if you repurpose them using transcription services. It not only increases the reachability of your content but also helps boost your SEO. In today’s digital SEO-driven marketing era, repurposing your content using transcription is a boon.


Think about it this way, an average person can speak around 160 words per minute during a presentation. That means a five-minute audio recording is around 750 words total, an ideal length for a blog post. Wise words should be preserved and should have more reach what could be a better way to immortalize them by using transcription services.


Court hearings are transcribed. Doctors and professionals use transcription services to convert their lectures and presentations to written articles. It increases their reach and acts as record keeping. 


Transcription can offer great benefits to digital marketers, too. One of the most effective ways to use transcription is to repurpose content and create high-value content in multiple formats.


Future of Transcription Services

Many people see speech recognition software as the future of transcription. However, words are important. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for medical transcriptionists isn't the best because advances in speech recognition software will decrease demand. The job outlook for legal transcriptionists is better but still expected to grow at a slower rate than the average for all occupations.


General transcriptionists, however, seem to have more job opportunities in their futures because they work with more industries--and those industries see the value in words. More companies are investing in online videos as a marketing tool, and more and more of those videos are requiring captions to reach the largest possible audience.



So, What are Transcription Services

Transcription is the process of taking the spoken parts of any audio or video file and putting them down on paper. So basically, a transcription service is a process of converting any audio or video file to a text-based file.






Use Transcript as outlines of your blog posts

If you are a digital marketer, you know how difficult it is to achieve your weekly or monthly blog post targets. By transcribing your video into a blog post, you can get that much closer to your targets. 


This also increases the reachability of your content. By transcribing your videos into blog posts, you can ensure all of your traffic has access to your content in multiple ways.

You can of course use creativity and ingenuity to bulk up and enhance these blogs to the benefit of readers. You can use visual elements like images, charts, video references, or add more detailed contextual examples.  


The transcription of videos is your starting point to create a great blog post. You can elaborate and add more relevant details to it.


Use Transcript for social media post

Interviews, Podcasts, Radio and television shows, Conferences, YouTube videos all of these are troves of treasure. There can be many reasons to transcribe these from legal reasons to record-keeping for later reviews. However, this can offer great value to digital marketers too.


Captions are very important for people for whom English is the second language. When people learn a new language, they are better at reading it than hearing it. Through transcripts, you can reach prospects that are not native speakers of your language.


The transcript will make it incredibly easy to find social media content to share. Therefore, transcribing videos for your social media content can dramatically increase your discoverability. Captioning your social media videos can greatly expand your audience.


Use Transcript for email and social media marketing  

You can use any pre-existing audio or video file from interviews, podcasts, conferences, or social media videos to extract content for email and the next social media marketing campaign. This also helps maintain the continuity and relatability of your content.


You can repurpose your transcription content by distributing it through email and social media sites. Format excerpts from transcripts and use them in your email newsletters.


Just ensure to align your social media goals with repurposed content. Your content should contribute to your social media goals like driving traffic to your site, brand awareness, or sales. 


Use Transcripts for How-to Page

Around 95% of users have viewed a how-to video. But wouldn’t most of us appreciate written instructions, too? The How-to page is SEO gold.



Producing unique and fresh content every month or week is a challenge for content creators. Repurposing the content is a good way to achieve this. This not only helps boost your SEO but also increases the reachability of your content via all possible mediums. It also helps others who are looking for information on various channels. Never be afraid to repurpose your content. You can also save the time of your email and social media marketing team by hiring a professional transcription specialist from Toogit.


If you have any questions or like to see more such articles, don’t forget to comment on them.



Posted at - Mar 5, 2022 & Last Modified at - Mar 5, 2022

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As the managing editor of the Toogit blog, Essabell works with regular and guest writers to share information that helps freelancers and businesses navigate the future of work. She owns Nimbyist Communications and helps non-profits, startups, and small business owners get their content marketing on track.

Isabelle | Managing Editor

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