i can to translation from english to malay

By Deniswaran M.

construction coordinator

About This Service

words translate for audio translate.

i have a good listening ability to listen to an audio. which i can understand the meaning of the audio. i have a good typing skills. can work with words and excel. can use canvas to do poster or a baner i you wanted.

What seller need from the Buyer to get started?

give me a proper instruction about the job and timeline which is suitable. never pressure me to get it done. don' worry if i take the job i will finished it with time expected. i am not working here full time but part time

Esitmated cost is $8.89 & delivery in 7 days

Related Tags

Typing copy typing Active Listening 

About The Seller

Deniswaran M. - construction coordinator, from Malaysia

i have degree in construction management . having experience in typing for 4 years. i'm good in bahasa malaysia and english

Contact Seller

Frequently Asked Questions

How To Find Right Freelancer?

So here are four main steps to follow when searching for freelancers:
1) Inspect. Before you consider searching for the right freelancer, have a clear vision of what the project is about.
2) Shortlist. Once you've examined each freelancer that is bidding, you can now think about making a short list.
3) Interview.
4) Hire.

How do I contact the seller before I place my order?

Within the service page, you will see a 'Contact Seller' button at right side. We recommend contacting your seller before placing your order, especially if you have specific requirements.

What is freelance service?

Freelance service is any fixed contract service. Designing, tax filing, software development with no full time commitment comes under freelance service.