Hiring Archive

Read about Hiring, the world’s largest online workplace connecting businesses to a network of talent including web and mobile developers, designers, writers and more with amazing automated freelancing

Become a freelancer’s favorite client

Become a freelancer’s favorite client - By Dushyant Tyagi

You can easily find the best freelancer for your work and might want to stay with him for upcoming projects. But what if the freelancer didn’t l...

Author - Dushyant TyagiBy Dushyant Tyagi
Mar 18, 2017

Things to look when hiring a freelance engineer

Things to look when hiring a freelance engineer - By Dushyant Tyagi

Hiring an engineer could be difficult when hiring for the first time. Engineering is a field that needs expertise and in depth knowledge. It happens m...

Author - Dushyant TyagiBy Dushyant Tyagi
Mar 18, 2017

Protect your business idea while hiring freelancers

Protect your business idea while hiring freelancers - By Dushyant Tyagi

You are an entrepreneur and have a great business idea. You need freelancers to execute this idea and make it happen. You might need developers, write...

Author - Dushyant TyagiBy Dushyant Tyagi
Mar 18, 2017

Why you are not getting bids on your freelancing project

Why you are not getting bids on your freelancing project - By Dushyant Tyagi

You might have experienced a strange situation when you post a job and don’t get enough bids to choose from. Online freelancing market is a good...

Author - Dushyant TyagiBy Dushyant Tyagi
Mar 18, 2017

Simplify the hiring process

Simplify the hiring process - By Dushyant Tyagi

Selecting the one could be difficult when you post a freelancing project. Most of the times you would get several bids which look identical. In th...

Author - Dushyant TyagiBy Dushyant Tyagi
Mar 18, 2017