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Required Data Science & Analytics,Data Mining & Management freelancer for Google Conversion Statistic Calculator job

Posted at - May 24, 2023

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Google Conversion Calculator

Most exciting new tool developed by us! Get an insight into your potential return on invest on search engine optimisation.

Website: (prospect will enter website)

Keyword: (They can type their desired keywords)

Location: (what is the location of the audience searching for their service, country, city, suburbs)

Cost Of Service: (client enter cost of their service and their cost of service will me multiplied by the potnetial leads they will get per month from seo to give an idea on their Return On Invesment)

On the backend i need an automated system to calculate the total monthly searches of the top 5 keywords, divide by 90% divide by 30% divide by 10%

Country/City/Suburb: Sydney (keywords searched from ip addresses based in sydney)

1) car hire Sydney 900/month
2) luxury car hire Sydney 1, 000/month
3) limo hire Sydney 1, 600/month

Total: 3, 500monthly

Cost of service: $350

2. 90% of searches stay on page 1(3, 150/monthly)
3. 30% click the first organic listing (945/month)
4. 7-15% convert (94/month)
5. 94/month x 350 (cost of service) = $32.900

Wow, congratulations! It looks like you have 94 potential clients each month waiting for you at the value of $32, 900/month!!

Basically it's a fun and easy tool they can use to see if seo is something for them or not and if it is, it will have them excited to invest into their company's expansion! provides an insight into the potential return on invesment.

About the recuiterMember since Mar 14, 2020 Punith Gs
from Florida, United States

Skills & Expertise Required

Data Science & Analytics Data Mining & Management 

Candidate shortlisted and hiredHiring open till - May 23, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Fixed Type
Remote Job

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