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Required software development freelancer for Digital Ocean - Custom Wordpress Environment job

Posted at - May 27, 2024

Basically I'm trying to move all or most my clients on to Digital as well as our staging environment.

This is the scope below (I'm open to make tweaks to this to fit my budget etc)
I know E-commerce is a pain to move back and forth so if I have to do that manually I'm ok with that...


We are looking to move all our websites over to DO. There is around 150 live sites (this number will grow) - and in our staging environment there is always 15-20+ in development.

Main Objectives
- Build a server that is scalable both ways.
- Speed (It's very important that our websites always load quickly).
- Stability (Obviously any down time is devastating).
- Security - with these many sites we are constantly under attack (Cloudflare is not enough).
- Ease to launch a new wordpress install on our staging domain for our developers.
- Consolidate our set up - We use 4 different servers right now.
- Have a solid back up system (like a time machine).
- Because all our websites are Wordpress it should be built with this in mind. (I know DO recently came out with a lot of WordPress tools

Automate / Streamline
- We would like to be able to move a website from staging to live (and vice versa) without doing it manually. (this will be tricky with Woocommerce websites?). What interface would this use?

- How can we also make Github automatically part of this process (so we don't have to use FTP to access the files).

- I'm sure there are tons of other things you know more about here.

Other stuff...
- Close to 150 websites + Staging sites (some have almost zero traffic but some have a lot).
- Using Let's Encrypt for SSL (free)?
- We use WP Rockets for caching (I think this is the best one out right now).

Amount of data
- On the current main server we are using 24 CPU and 128 GB RAM server (NOT a cloud server).
- 2000-3000 GB a month band with


Please send me an outline

- How would you set this up?
- What tools within DO?
- What would the monthly cost be?
- How many Droplets etc would we need?

Thank you!

About the recuiterMember since Nov 11, 2022 Irviandi Hadiputra
from Noord-Brabant, Netherlands

Skills & Expertise Required

software development 

Open for hiringApply before - Aug 25, 2024

Work from Anywhere
40 hrs / week
Hourly Type
Remote Job

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