John E. - Laid-back guy who loves to talk in different goofy ways.

John E.

Laid-back guy who loves to talk in different goofy ways.

United States | America/New_York (USD)

Part-time:10-30 hrs/week


Hi there! Although I am currently a stay at home dad, I have always use my voice in my day to day, I was a corporate trainer in my career, I am the Game Master in my long running Dungeons and Dragons group, and I always need to entertain my children. I have always been a bit of a goofball, and never feel uncomfortable about being over the top.


Here is my normal speaking voice, reading from a Lonely Hearts Club Band documentary.
This is a deeper voice, using the Evil Within trailer for dark and gritty overtones.
This is a Boston accent, taken from a monologue from the movie, The Town.
Here is a Southern accent, from a Nebraska Lottery ad
A small excerpt from Dragon Ball Z. Gohan pleading with Goku to push him harder.

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