Partha S. - Partha Sarma - .NET architect and Azure Senior Developer

Partha S.

Partha Sarma - .NET architect and Azure Senior Developer

India | Asia/Kolkata (INR)

Less than 10 hrs/week


• Development experience in ASP.NET, .NET framework, .NET Core, C #, Web Services, WCF, ASP.NET Web API, ADO.NET, Microservices, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular, React Native, UML.
• Experience in Microsoft BOT framework and LUIS (Language Understanding Intelligent Services).
• Experience in database design and development using SQL Azure, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Access.
• Working Knowledge on Azure PaaS services, Azure logic apps, Azure service bus and Azure Event Hub.
• Having concepts of Blockchain technology basic, Python (basic, Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib).