Shubham Pratap S. - Java Developer

Shubham Pratap S.

Java Developer

India | Asia/Kolkata (INR)

Part-time:10-30 hrs/week


-> Professional experience in working on JAVA Spring boot and rest API's
-> Good experience on working with Amazon Web Services like EC2, S3 , Amazon Simple DB , Amazon RDS , Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, Amazon SQS , AWS Identity and access management, AWS Cloud Watch, Amazon EBS and Amazon Cloud Front.
-> Developed Java API/ Lambda functions to interact with the Amazon SQS used in sending bulk Stream.
-> Built application using MAVEN and used Log4J to generate log files for the application.
-> Used Amazon Cloud Watch to monitor AWS services and Amazon Cloud Watch logs to monitor application.
-> Used JIRA for defect management and to keep track of bugs and issues.