Venugopal Asok - Customer Service Expert

Venugopal Asok

Customer Service Expert

India | Asia/Kolkata (INR)

Full-time : 30+ hrs/week


With growing competition in the market, customer service is becoming a vital aspect that decides the growth of any business. Many companies struggle to keep their customers engaged or struggle to address suggestions or complaints of the customers effectively. Retaining customer is as important as acquiring customers. Every business needs a snowballing effect of customer management. As you roll over time, the existing customer should stick to us and new customers should join over the course.

Referral of a service or product also depend a lot on how we treat our customers. Availability and ease of reaching you will make the customer more inclined to opt your product and services.

I started my career as a functional consultant in a software company catering the document management and project management needs of EPC companies. I was part of a team that was helping customers with the bugs in the software. I have had the good fortune to interact with clients from Middle East, UK and China. Client specific requirements were also analysed and delivered after considering the viability of the same. This has helped me to be patient and understand the issues and requirements of the client.

Later, when i started my own firm, this experience helped me to support my clients more effectively. I come from a start up background and therefore understand the importance of retaining a customer. I believe that customer service should be the last reason why a customer should opt out of our services.

With 7 years of customer service experience and being a business owner myself, your customer service is safe in my hands.