We are looking to bring on 2 new persons into our Data Teams. ** If you are reapplying because you were not shortlisted prior please let us know **
We prefer people who are passionate about AI / Machine Learning and have some domain experience.
** Your application would be a functional GAN
You do not need years of Experience just the following are important to be part of the teams
Python, MongoDB, MySQL and AWS services
SciKit Learn / NumPy / Tensorflow / Jupyter / Collabratory
You have to be able to work part time daily or fulltime until past the Intern Program.
If you are interested, and have built some models, understand basics and or even work with it today. We would love to move you to the next level as fast as possible.
Please Read This First:
We are interested in only people who are able to deploy projects, work in projects and have enough knowledge to follow a course / project tasks. If you are seeking a market rate as intern this is likely not for you. We move Interns to Jrs and then fr Jrs to Sr levels in a specific domain or category of ML.
About the recuiterMember since Nov 11, 2022 Chandraprakash Verma
from Buenos Aires F.D., Argentina