Aeriel - Human Resource/Admin Officer


Human Resource/Admin Officer

Philippines | Asia/Manila (USD)

Part-time:10-30 hrs/week


I have been working for a total of 5 years as a Human Resource/ Admin Officer. As a young professional, I am so eager to do more in order for me to explore and expand my knowledge especially those in line with my career. I also want to have an extra income for me to achieve my future endeavours.
For five years, I have been doing data entry, research, recruitment, admin management, employee engagement, other admin/human resources tasks. I believe that I was able accomplish these tasks excellently with the high performance appraisal i got with my previous employers.
My strengths are being organized, keen to details, excellent time management, and multi-tasking. I believe these are the traits a good performing worker must have in order to be effective and efficient with his/her job.


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