Drsanchita G. - Data Analyst

Drsanchita G.

Data Analyst

India | Asia/Kolkata (INR)

Less than 10 hrs/week


I am a certified data analyst with platinum, certification ( scoring 99%).
I am trained in using tools like SPSS, AMOS, Excel and also R.
Since i have completed my doctoral studies and have post doctoral experience of 3.5 years, I can write quality research papers which are primarily primary studies.
I have 14 years full time Academic Experience teaching in Management colleges



Asst Prof

Jaipuria Institute of Management - Jun, 2004 to Jun, 2018, Lucknow , India


PhD., CRM,Organisation Effectiveness, ICT in Banks

(2007 - 2015) Lucknow University
my published research papers are1.	Paper titled “Mitigating Cyber Sexual Harassment: An Insight from India’ published in Asian Themes in Social Sciences Research , Vol 1 No 2 (2018)2.	Paper titled " Impact of Technology Adoption on Organization Effectiveness in Indian Bank” has published in PCTE Journal of Business Management; Volume 14, Issue 1, Jan-Jun 2017 (ISSN 0973-4066). 3.	Paper titled " Effectiveness of Women Entrepreneurs: A case based analysis " has been accepted for publication in the forthcoming volume of the book "Women’s Empowerment and Microfinance in India", edited by Chiranjib Neogi, Amit K Bhandari & Sudipto Ghosh. The book is a SPRINGER publication in 2017.4.	Paper titled “Impact of Digital Technologies in Student Engagement and Learning at Academic Institutions with special reference to B-Schools” has been accepted by review committee to be publish in Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies (ISSN: 2249-0310, EISSN: 2229-5674, Impact Factor (GIF): 0.875) in May 2016, Volume VI